Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

The GFA Fund


Through the collective power of many gifts, the GFA Fund helps to raise close to $3 million for Greens Farms Academy each year.

The GFA Fund is GFA’s annual immediate-use fund that allows for the strategic deployment of resources — where and when they are needed most — and enhances the school’s capacity to address emerging opportunities.

The GFA Fund impacts our students, staff, and faculty members every day. An important gauge of institutional strength, the fund supports the core components of the GFA experience. This resource is powerful in its immediacy, and it must be replenished every year to sustain our programs and fulfill the school’s mission.

The GFA Fund is the primary means for all parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends to help sustain the distinctive features that make GFA special.

The GFA Fund is and will always be the school’s highest philanthropic priority and the largest philanthropic contribution to the school on an annual basis. By supporting the school with a gift to the GFA Fund, you can help to anticipate and meet the ever-evolving needs of all students, faculty and staff, and the broader GFA community.

GFA is shaped by those who believe in and support its mission.


Red & Blue Leadership Society

Donors of the School who exemplify leadership by contributing $10,000 or more annually qualify for membership in the Red & Blue Leadership Society at one of the five levels:

Bolton Laycock Founders Society $50,000 and above
Heads of School Society $25,000–$49,999
Coyle Society  $20,000–$24,999
Hartwell Society $15,000–$19,999
1925 Society $10,000–$14,999

Donor Giving Levels

Donors who give up to $9,999 will be recognized at one of the following giving levels.

Front Lawn Benefactor $5,000–$9,999
Courtyard Patron $2,500–$4,999
Orchard Sponsor $1,000–$2,499
Marsh Friend $500–$999
Sound Contributor up to $499




2024-2025 GFA Fund Captains

Steve and Katie Bodnar P '35, '37 Juan and Sasha Lebrija P '26, '28  
Michael and Molly Bogdan P '27 Jeremy and Susan Moss  P '24, '25  
John and Sarah Caputo P '33 Alex and Estelle Naboicheck P '38  
Alex Drolet and Robyn Shepherd P '31, '35 Cliff and Tami Robinson P '24, '29  
Paul and Caroline Gibson P '31, '36 Chris and Jessica Ross P '31, '34, '36  
Paul and Lauren Gojkovich P '33, '36 Nick and Lisa Savone P '25, '32  
Sebastian and Kate Grimm P '25, '27 Jeremy and Johanna Simon P '31, '34  
Sam and Casey Haverstick P '29, '31, '34, '35 Russell and Tracey Stidolph P '21, '25, '30  
Paul Horton and Joy Grossman P '27, '27 Jose and Julie Tamayo P '27, '27  
Jamie and Chrissie Karper P '30    


Why they give:

Brandon Velez '13
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Sandra Frost P '25, '29
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Charlie Dietrich, Former Faculty
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Michelle Orris-Modugno '76
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The GFA experience is unique to everyone, which is why gifts the the GFA Fund can be directed to an area of the school that is most meaningful to you and your family.

Bob Whelan


boy in class


girl playing violin


lacrosse players


players elbow bumping




Student writing


Erin Thorkilsen


For more information about how you can support The GFA Fund, please contact:
Stokes Carrigan IV P'33, P'37
Director of The GFA Fund, 203-256-7527