Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Capital Priorities and Endowment Giving

Maintaining the qualities that define GFA, and keeping it strong for the future, require substantial resources. Capital Improvements and a strong endowment are critical to sustaining the health and strength of the school, while supporting the strategic direction of GFA. 

Capital Giving

A capital gift is an investment in the future of GFA, and supports a specific need within the school that is not funded through the annual operating budget. Capital gifts may be designated by the donor for use in support of specific programs, initiatives, or building projects, which include new construction as well as the renovation of facilities.

GFA turf fields and track



GFA Turf Enhancement Project

The addition of a second turf field and improvement of the original turf field, along with the addition of a state-of-the-art practice field and half track have allowed for simultaneous practice and play time for our teams.

Girls varsity soccer captain Shealeigh Crombie remarked, "These fields represent so much more than just the patch of synthetic grass they appear to be. They are the place where we all dance together at practice, where we run together when our coaches are mad at us, where we play together and fight for each other as a team. They are the place where we all know we belong, where everybody is unified by their love for a sport, and where we pick each other up when things don’t go our way. To have fields that are nice enough to reflect the amazing experiences that we have on them is such a gift, and one that all of the athletes including myself are lucky to benefit from every day."

With deep appreciation, GFA recognizes our turf field and track donors and thanks them for their incredible generosity. For more information on the turf project, click here.

The GFA Endowment

The goal of the GFA endowment is to support the people, programs, and activities of the school in perpetuity. Because the principal of the fund is never spent, it can generate greater earnings over time. All gifts to the endowment will have an effect on both the present and the future, supporting people and programs, and driving progress forward.

Walking to GFA from train station



McKane Family Scholarship Fund

Named for former trustee David McKane and his family, The McKane Family Scholarship Fund was created to support a student who comes from a family experiencing hardship. David’s commitment and dedication to GFA has been extraordinary. As a member of the GFA Board of Trustees from 1991–2011, he has a deep appreciation for the history of our school. As parents during the ’80s, David and his wife Wilson worked closely with Jim Coyle as the “neighborhood” school began to grow into the institution it is today. Their daughter attended GFA, followed by the McKane’s four granddaughters. The family’s appreciation for all that a GFA education has to offer has translated into their desire to ensure the same experience can be offered to a deserving student who could otherwise not afford to attend our school. GFA is deeply grateful for their endowed fund and the impact it will have on many of our students in future years.

For information about capital and endowment giving, please contact:
Joe Flynn
Director of Institutional Advancement, 203-256-7539.