Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT




Our Culture of Philanthropy at GFA

As we teach the value of purposeful and lifelong service to our students, GFA seeks to pursue its mission at an even higher level and to establish itself as one of the truly outstanding independent schools in the nation. Our success rests on the full participation of the GFA community. We are building a culture of philanthropy — one in which everyone plays a role. It is a culture in which fundraising is a valued and mission-aligned component of all that we do at GFA.

The bridge between aspiration and achievement is spanned by funding. Philanthropy provides the pathway between what is and what can be.

A Renewed Spirit of Giving

Throughout GFA’s history, the support of parents, alumni, and friends has been a powerful and often a determinative force. It has propelled the school’s progress. At critical junctures, school leaders have persuaded benefactors to invest in the realization of dreams. This fusion of intellect, will, and resources can be seen again and again. For this, we are immensely thankful.The energy and enthusiasm of the students, faculty, and staff are palpable throughout campus this year, and the GFA spirit is stronger than ever.

As a school with a relatively modest endowment — and ambitious plans for the future — GFA depends on your generosity to move forward. Aspirations do not become achievements because we wish them so.

We’re excited to support the school’s vibrant Strategic Direction, and invite you to join us in building upon the outstanding legacy of leadership and stewardship that serves as the foundation of GFA. We are excited to begin this new chapter alongside our generous GFA family.

GFa Fund logo blue

The GFA Fund is the primary means for all parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends to help sustain the distinctive features that make GFA special. Click to learn more about the school's highest philanthropic priority.

Capital and Endowment



Legacy and Gratitude: A Financial Aid Story
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Limitless Learning: Design Thinking
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Winning Character: An Athlete's Experience
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Creative Expression: The Arts at GFA
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