Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

GFA Lands a Baker's Dozen in the Top 3% of the 1.3 Million National Merit Scholarship Competition Entrants

GFA Lands a Baker's Dozen in the Top 3% of the 1.3 Million National Merit Scholarship Competition Entrants

Twelve GFA seniors were recently recognized for their outstanding performance on the 2022 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) scoring among the top 3% of the 1.3 million students. This performance earned the following students the designation of National Merit Commended student:Neil Chaudhari, Liam Glynn, Peter Liu, Devin McCormack, Coleman Merce, Zoe Monschein, Anna Moss, Tolani Oshin, Azra Ozgen, Andrew Roth, Owen Simon, and Eddie Xue.

Lachlan McCracken ’24 took it up a notch, scoring in the top 1%, and has been selected as a 2023 National Merit Scholarship semifinalist. Lachlan now has the chance to compete for one of 7,250 scholarships that will be awarded in the spring. 

We extend hearty congratulations to Lachlan and all of our accomplished GFA students who have garnered these well-deserved honors!