Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Gaga for Gaga Ball

Gaga for Gaga Ball

Over the summer, GFA welcomed two new Gaga Ball pits on campus for students to use during recess. To say they have been a hit is an understatement. Middle and Lower School students have thrown themselves into the ring and this new, popular game. 

"Gaga is like its own world right now,” said Kathleen Nicholson, Associate Head of the Middle School describing this exciting new trend in play. 

Watching the students play is  “just pure joy, pure play.”

Gaga Ball is a game that is relatively quick and easy to learn. It engages students from elementary school through 8th grade in different ways. The light-hearted, and sometimes more boisterous games, allow students to work together and compete positively. It also sets the stage for inclusion.

These Gaga Pits help students with independent, social development. “Especially the younger kids,” Nicholson says. “They are thirsty for that structured play. It’s a nice transitional step. You have independence in this space, but there are also some rules.”

GFA faculty has also grown gaga for Gaga, “It’s not a high pressure situation. You don’t have to keep people’s attention with your behavior or what you’re talking about. You just go there, play, and everyone’s on the same page. It’s low stakes, high fun,” she said.