Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Congratulations to Our New Cum Laude Society Inductees

Congratulations to Our New Cum Laude Society Inductees
Cum Laude Society Inductees

We are thrilled to announce that 18 of our seniors have been inducted into the Cum Laude Society, an honor that recognizes their outstanding academic achievements. This prestigious accolade is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional scholarship and integrity in their pursuit of knowledge.

Join us in congratulating these remarkable students who consistently show dedication and excellence throughout their academic careers. Their hard work and commitment have rightfully earned them a place in this distinguished society, marking a significant milestone in their educational journey.

We are proud of their achievements and are excited to see what the future holds for each of these promising young scholars. Well done to all our new Cum Laude Society members!

  • Neil Chaudhari
  • Ella Conopask 
  • Lillian Hogan
  • Beyza Kalender
  • Lachlan McCracken
  • Coleman Merce
  • Riley Meyer
  • Zoe Monschein
  • Anna Moss
  • Azra Ozgen
  • Jacob Robinson
  • Bento Silva
  • Owen Simon
  • Simone Snow
  • Quinn Reynolds
  • Charlotte Wagner
  • Charlotte Walter
  • Eddie Xue