Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Advisory Council

The role of the GFA Advisory Council is to provide advice and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees and Administration. Members meet during the school year, contributing their expertise and guidance on key issues related to school matters.  

Members, 2024–25

Co-Chair: Vani Bettegowda P ‘22, ‘25
Co-Chair: Melanie Smith P ‘22, ‘24, ‘29

Gordon Armstrong P ‘27
Tasha Blair P ‘28, ‘31
Mike Bogdan P ‘27
Chris Calger P ‘25, ‘27
Jewel Fox P ‘26, ‘26
Sebastian Grimm P ‘25, ‘27
Casey Haverstick P ‘29, ‘31, ‘34, ‘35
Gretchen Hoffmann P ‘28, ‘30
Keelin Kirt P ‘26, ‘28, ‘30
Polly Klane P ‘28
Sasha Lebrija P ‘26, ‘28
Atul Lele P ‘30, ‘32
Jori Meyer P ‘24, ‘26
Chris Milligan P ‘36, ‘37
Krishna Nirmel P ‘35, ‘37
Jessica Ross P ‘31, ‘34, ‘36 
Jim Rothwell P ‘20, ‘33, ‘33
Johanna Simon P ‘31, ‘34
Karen Speller P ‘25, ‘26, ‘28
Megan Tuvlin P ‘28
Jennifer Ancker Whelen ‘91
Sara Kang Wiener P ‘30, ‘36
Joel Whidden P ‘22, ‘23, ‘26, ‘27
Jade Zapanta P ‘24, ‘27, ‘29