Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Inquiries & Advanced Inquiries at GFA

Students on beach



Discovering what is possible beyond the curriculum.

During Upper School Inquiries, students will typically partner with a faculty mentor alongside a small cohort of peers to write substantial research papers; explore a topic in greater depth than in traditional courses; and/or learn a new skill or gain knowledge about a topic that is not covered in the curriculum. Read more

Advanced Inquiry project


Advanced Inquiries

The highest level of academic rigor at GFA.

Advanced Inquiries generate the highest level of understanding, demand the greatest skill, and offer the most latitude for students to exercise their agency and follow their curiosity about their chosen subject of study. In these courses, students will identify a problem and ask their own questions; chart their own paths of inquiry; present their work to a real audience; and deliver an original piece of work. Read more