World Perspectives Program
Our goal is to help each student at GFA achieve global competence—a combination of attitudes, skills, and understandings that allows them to enter an unfamiliar place or circumstance with openness and to adapt quickly. We do this by exposing them to other cultures, languages, and histories. We give them opportunities to interact with people around the globe through technology as well as through travel.
Lower School
In addition to the global material covered in the social studies program, a dedicated World Languages Classroom gives young learners a place to practice the languages and explore the cultures of places outside of the United States. This creates a strong foundation in their global education and cultural education.
Middle School
By Middle School, students experience global education by studying the globe through geography and then through contemporary issues in the World Explorations course. School trips are introduced, and all students produce a Capstone Research Project, many of which deal with global issues.
Upper school
In addition to a wide range of academic courses on global education dealing with global issues and language, Upper School students can participate in off-campus study, travel, clubs, and a culminating Global Thesis Project and Symposium that allow first-hand, in-depth focus on our world.

World Perspectives Symposium
The World Perspectives Symposium is an academic conference for students at GFA to present original research. Students and faculty attend presentations on a range of topics of global significance. The day begins with a keynote address by a guest speaker and ends with a speech by a thought leader in our community. Throughout the day, students participate in individual and panel presentations by their peers. To learn more, click here.
A sampling of Symposium topics
13 Reasons Why: A Post-Modern Obsession with the Mentally Ill
Cryptoanarchy vs. Government: Does the Deep Web Undermine
the Power of the State?
Finding and Comparing the Biofuel Yield of CT Invasive Plant Species
Love, Power, and Violence: How Cinema Changed the Perception of Diamonds
The Race to Superhumanity: China’s Invisible Edge in Gene Editing
Radical Design for a Home in an Earthquake Zone
The Use of a Pixy Camera and Robotics to Eliminate Human Error by High School Soccer Referees