Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT



By Antara Singh-Ghai '22

(n.), the philosophy or practice according to which decisions of an organized group should be made by a numerical majority of its members

If no one else mattered?

If opinions were crushed under tanks, 
bleeding onto the concrete like the dreams before them. 

Because you, 
and only your own,
are allowed to make decisions?

are the ones that matter?

If the underprivileged were ignored?

If freedom of speech was gone?

If you wanted to be grey rather than shine,
to be one of the many rather than one of the few.

If the starving children mattered less than the crystals,
the glimmering wealth of the city beneath you.

If creativity left, 
was replaced by a gray fog that filled the streets?

If when you weren't afraid, you should be?