Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Fifth Grade Gratitude Letters: Part II

Fifth Grade Gratitude Letters: Part II

As a way to spread kindness and gratitude this season, our fifth-grade classes have been writing gratitude letters to members of the GFA community. These letters have been read in-person to classmates, faculty, and others who make an impact on the lives of our students. 

Dear: Jesse '27
From: Will '27

Thank you so much for making every day more enjoyable by talking to me. You have influenced my life so much and made me a better person. Our  3rd grade year was so much fun, even though we probably won't be in the same class because of it. I realize that it cost some much of your time, free and not, to talk and make jokes with me. I’m so glad that we bonded so fast in kindergarten. Thanks to you, I want to be the best version of me I can in everything I do. Thank you.

Dear: Mr. Lolande
From: Jose '27

Thank you so much for helping me with all my struggles in math and everything I’ve ever needed help with. Also, I will always remember how you went out of your way to help all of us. For example, when you helped us with football, you took the time to make the popsicle sticks so we could have fun. This might not be important to you but this really showed me that you really cared. This has really helped me out all through fourth grade. You have really inspired me to never give up, no matter how hard things get. I also appreciate how you are always in a good mood even when things are hard. Your actions show me you really care about how I feel, and how others feel. Once again, I am really thankful that you really care about all the people around you. 

Dear: Mrs. Skiba
From: Cameron '27

Thank you a lot for always being there whenever I needed help and making my life better. Every morning, you say “Hello!” to me and it makes my day a lot better. It makes the day go by a lot faster instead of just dragging along slowly. This also helps me concentrate better in my classes. It is amazing what a simple“Hello!” can do to change somebody’s day. Also, just knowing that I can always go to you if I need help with something, even if I never do, makes me feel a lot better. I really appreciate that you take time out of your day to let me know when my mom is picking me up, if Jakob doesn’t have a chance to tell me. Your actions show me that you really care about others and are a very, very nice person. I feel bad that I have never told you how thankful I am for you. I guess I just never had a chance. I hope that this letter helps me show you that thanks to you, my life is a lot better. Ever since the first day of school, I have done better in all of my classes and have had better days in general.I hope that this letter helps me say to you, “Thank You!”