Greens Farms Academy is a PreK-12, coed school in Westport, CT

Dragonoids Find Success in Regional Robotics Tournament

Dragonoids Find Success in Regional Robotics Tournament

The Dragonoids have been busy this term building new robots to compete in regional tournaments. They learned how to strategize to get the most out of the bots and gain points. In a tournament on December 2, the team competed amid 58 teams from New England. They gained a lot of experience and played well which lead them to the quarter finals with the top 8 teams. 

Team A finished 7th at the tournament and is ranked 34th in the New England region. Team B finished 8th place and is ranked 20th. Both teams are new and ahead of the more seasoned teams locally. 

Below are reflections on the competition experience from members of the team. Well done Dragonoids! 


"The Weston Robotics tournament was really successful! I learned so much from my teammates and met so many new people. I think that our problem solving and catapult were very helpful, but both teams need to work on autonomous. Some new ideas based on successful team designs and our performance are to think about adding a flywheel instead of a catapult. Also creating a more compact and secure chassis. On team B, we spoke about switching the three wheels for four smaller wheels, which would also help to get over the middle bar." -Cara

"It was amazing to be a part of such a warm, creative, and motivated team at the December VEX tournament. As a new team, it was great to be able to get to know some of our competitors better and to see some of the improvements we've made over the past weeks translate to results. Many thanks to Jakob, Charlotte and Neil for continuing to lead our team as wonderful captains!" -Adeline